Professional Swimming Pool Inspection Services

Whether you’re buying a new home or need a routine check-up for your existing pool, you can trust the honest and reliable team at Palm Beach Pool & Spa Service for a thorough swimming pool inspection. Our APSP and CPO Certified inspectors can help identify potential issues early, saving you from costly repairs down the road and ensuring your pool stays safe and well-maintained.

expert performing pool inspections in Palm Beach

Why Choose Us for Your Pool Inspection Services?


Avoid Costly Repairs

Pool equipment, pipes, plaster and chemicals need a professional checkup at least once every two years.  Don’t wait for a BIG problem to occur when our pool inspections can head off major issues.


Thorough Report

After we complete our careful inspection of your pool filter, structure, equipment, electrical and plumbing, we will provide a full report for your convenience.


New Home Inspections

A professional swimming pool inspection is HIGHLY recommended when buying a new home.  Don’t find major issues AFTER your purchase.  Be safe and schedule your inspection before closing.


We Partner With Realtors

If you are a realtor selling in Palm Beach and the suburbs, call us now and find out how we can help your clients protect their investment.

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